About Me

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We have been married since April 10, 2010. And can say we fall even more in love every day. Our first date was on February 7th 2009. We went to Winger's and had their sample dish, then we went to my apartment to play games where we played miles bournes and then the big supriser Chubby bunny..I remember thinkin are you serious?? on our first date?? later I found out it was a "test" man sure glad I passed. If you ask Austin about the first date he will tell you that I wore the ugliest shirt I could find in reality i liked the shirt but was going to change it but got home too late to change it before our date... it was a fitted T that had a tie on haha. we stayed up until two AM. Our first kiss wasn’t until a month later after Austin had tried twice ;) The third time he decided to ask if he could please have a kiss, and well it worked. After many crazy months of dating we were finally engaged on Oct. 10, 2009 under the Rexburg stars in the middle of nowhere as we danced

Monday, September 26, 2011


I am really going to do it everyone, i am going to keep a blog! So as far as updates, Austin and I are still in Rexburg, he is currently working construction and fulltime at Melaleuca as I still look for a job. Ideally I will find an at home job but it isn't looking too bright. We have been married for nearly 1.5 years! It has gone by so fast and we are so grateful for all that life has brought to us, through the trials and also of course the good times we have really learned what marriage is all about and truely love eachother more then we thought possible. We have a new addition coming around the 18th of february annddd...If our little baby is cooperative tomorrow we shall find out if we will be having a little boy or a little girl. I am so excited and just really hope the baby shows us! We have already had an ultrasound but the little stinker wouldn't clue us in! We are very excited but definitely nervous as well. It is one thing to watch over kids and a WHOLE other thing to have one of your own! On friday I felt the baby move for the first time, it was so funny! At first I was just siting and knitting and thought ugh what is wrong with my stomach it feels like its moving! and then the realization hit, thats the baby kicking! It is really cool, but wierd at the same time. I'm not used to it yet! I will definitely put pictures up of tomorrow's ultra sound but for now, just look at my facebook album little peanut to see other updates :)
On another note, during august we were able to go to utah and hang out with the family down there and got to watch austin's cousin get married, congrata dallin and katrina! and then we had the pleasure of visiting washington for a short time and going to the annual family cannon beach trip, it was great and we got to go surfing and camp and play with all the little cuties (well when i wasnt sick ;)) Well I will post tomorrow, thats about all i have to say today!